Chicken Parm: The Heart of Every Date in NYC

Have you been dating men in NYC but without any luck? Do you want to lock down a guy this winter? Well, if you are in such a predicament, you have come to the right place. Now, dating men in NYC can be a little tough. Everyone has got high standards and less time to spend on dates. And that’s where the major problem is.

Even as a woman you might have noticed that scheduling a date that fits your daily work and home routine is difficult. But it is not impossible if you play your cards right! One of the things you must understand that the food for your date will influence the overall outcome of your date. 

And as per our research, there is one thing that men in NYC love the most and it is a delicious plate of the perfect chicken parm

This Italian American comfort food is the most preferred dish by men in NYC when they go out on a date. There are increased chances that you will be able to lock the guy down if the first date goes spot on, right? So, when you are planning your first date with a prospective guy, make sure to go to a place that serves the finest plate of chicken parm.

Now, since, this dish will be central to your date, you must choose a place the serves the finest chicken parm in NYC. Though the dish sounds simple, this simplicity can breed complacency. Hence you must choose the right spot. Only if there was someone who could tell you everything about the best places that serve chicken parm. Well, guess what? You are lucky! Because you can get in touch with Mister Chicken Parm and get to know where you can find the finest chicken parm in NYC.

Mister Chicken Parm has been passionate about chicken parm since his childhood. And this passion has also been carried to his adult life. Hence, he bikes several miles to a new place just to taste their chicken parm and give it a rating. To know his ratings and reviews, you can visit his online platform also named Mister Chicken Parm. That’s not it! If you have used chicken parm recipes to cook a plate, you can call him to review it. Contact Mister Chicken Parm now. 

About Mister Chicken Parm:

Mister Chicken Parm is an online platform that offers reviews and ratings for the best chicken parm in NYC along with goodies such as chicken parm tshirts.

For more information, visit


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